
Nuno Gonçalo Poças

Nuno Gonçalo Poças has around 15 years of professional experience in Law practicing.

Nuno worked in several law firms, where he accumulated experience in the areas of civil and criminal litigation. He interrupted his legal activity between 2014 and 2015, when he worked as political advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, where he developed professional activity in the areas of migration and local media policies, and also on political risk management and coordination of the entire Portuguese Government.

For the last 5 years, Nuno has worked as head of legal in a real estate developer in Lisbon.

He wrote and published three books of modern political history and weekly writes a political column in the Portuguese digital newspaper Observador.

Nuno is also a husband and father of two daughters. He likes traveling, gastronomy, politics, books, music and sports.


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